Does anyone remember Friday nights on ABC, watching the TGIF themed night of shows? I sure do, you had my favorite show, Family Matters with Jaleel White -aka- "Urkel".
Check out this article I found on the web:
Jaleel White ('Steve Urkel') Is Dead!
Netlore Archive: Bogus news story circulating via email claims actor Jaleel White, who played Steve Urkel on the TV show 'Family Matters,' is dead by suicide.
Ok, don't know about you, but that just made my heart sink. I'm so glad it's not true! I was IN LOVE with this guy!!!
Unfortunately, I had very similar glasses like his, and every time I went into my mom's Orthodontic office, they made me do my impressions of him!! He-he-he-he, snort, snort!!
Now, every morning I get to see my long lost Romeo, Family Matters is on every morning at 7 and 7:30 on ABC Family!! Check it out!! Snort, Snort!
That is all, have a GREAT week end!
PS - Dr. Suess', Horton hears a Who is coming to theaters Friday March 14th! I'm totally going to see it on my Birthday!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Posted by Megan at 12:18 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I have a mission, if you choose to except...
My hair has spit ends and I really need to get a trim, but I am getting antzy with my hair. I want a new look. Should I go short (hubby hates that)? Or, should I get a cute little bob? Maybe I should just suck it up and stay long for the summer, and just get the dagone trim. HELP!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?? Any one have any pics for ideas?
Posted by Megan at 9:03 AM 1 comments
So fresh and so clean, clean...
I love how every time I come in my blog, even if only every few minutes, it's different. And I have no idea how it was done.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!! (Gomer)
Hey, while I'm at it, I wonder if I have a pic of me? Hmmm, I'll have to see.
La de da....I am in a goofy mood.
Hey, today is my mommy's B-day. She said she is a Sassy, Sexy, Sixty... Woo, woo, woo!
Posted by Megan at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Day is almost done..
It's 5:41, and I am feeling like I am going to die.
I have the sniffles and a sore froat, and I am muscle achy all over. I need soup.
I had a pretty blurry day, between figuring out this blog thing and talking with incompetent people on the phone, I am exhausted.
Sunshine...Rainbows....Puffy Clouds.....On the good ship....Lolly POP!
Did the Fro Hat picture get loaded in? Boy that makes for a conversation piece.
Posted by Megan at 5:41 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Time is floating away.......
I am so ready to go home and watch me some AMERICAN IDOL!!!! AWWWW YEAH!!
Ok, so I think I got this stinking blog thing figured out. There was a lot of clicking, and clicking, and clicking, might have been a little cursing. Yet, I stuck it out. Yes ladies and gents....."3" whole blogs!!!!!! Ok, so my sissy helped me out. Ohhh, drat, she hates being called sissy!! TOO LATE!!
Ha, Ha, Ha....I'm in PA and you can't do nothin' about it!
Ok, enough of that.
I am going for my afternoon break, yessss....
Posted by Megan at 2:19 PM 1 comments
It's 8:58, and break isn't until 9:45
I never finished this one....oops. Well might as well put it out there.
Posted by Megan at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
What is there to talk about....really?
Posted by Megan at 5:46 PM 1 comments