Monday, April 7, 2008

This weekend was GOOD!

I had no chest pains, I was not sick at all this weekend! This week should go by quickly, so maybe I can get ANOTHER weekend being sick-free!!

I didn't end up doing much, I went to see Honey at her house on Saturday, Mom was there when I got there, but had to leave right away. Honey showed me how to make Chicken Potpie, and Uncle Larry came over to eat too.

Sunday was a Lord of the Rings extravaganza! On TNT they showed the trilogy straight though. I ended up falling asleep at the end. Oh well.

Ok, not the most active weekends, but at least I wasn't sick. I am thankful for that.

Oh and good news. I didn't have a drop of coffee all weekend. I drank mostly water and hot tea - one or two glasses. I guess that is all to talk about.


Di said...

I'm sick...must.. go to...the doctor's awful

Di said...

What...I leave and you don't post?