Monday, December 29, 2008

The Monday AFTER the Holiday......

I had a good time this past week. I did absolutely nothing.....not one paint brush was lifted - unless I moved it from one spot to!

All we did this past week was visit family, hang at the house and played cards, went to the casino, saw more family, chilled at the house again, went to Gettysburg, and got things ready to go back to work. Sigh.

I procrastinate.

Well, no more time right now....fill ya in later....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Something has got to be wrong with me.....

I'm never satisfied. With anything.

I see my hubby every night, during the week, and that makes me happy. Evenings consist of watching TV, eating dinner, laundry and straighting up the house and such. I'm good with that.

So, hubby has off today (Friday), so he went out last night. He went with his cousin (who is in town visiting for Christmas) and his cousins friend he brought along.

His cousin was just up last weekend, and we hung out.

I was totally cool with them going out and having a "guys" night out. No problem. I couldn't tell you what time they got home....whatever, I was in bed.


I went home for lunch, since hubby said to bring our van home,so he can get new tires put on them. I was figuring that he and I would have lunch together, then he would drop me off back at work, while went and got tires on the van.

NOPE, not what had happened.

I pull up and guess who's car is in MY spot??? You guessed it, his cousin. Fine, whatever.

Then I go inside, no lunch was made (even though he knew I'd be coming home), and then hubby proceeds to tell me that he's gonna run with his cousin to his grandmothers house.

So, now I need to go back to work, and he will pick it up later.

No lunch, no tires, no hubby.

I seriously hope he doesn't think that my whole week off of work, next week, will be spent entertaining. I have a lot of crap that I need to get done. Seeing as how, I'm the only one who cleans around there.

What ever.

Then I get back to work to find out that our unit meeting is canceled. Great. I look forward to those meetings, they break up your day. And today, I needed a break. I have been busting butt, trying to get tasks done in between phone calls.

I am sooooo ready to go home.

Blech. Such is life.

Have a Merry Christmas, cuz I won't be hear to tell you then!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Sister

A best-friend that is always there no matter what.

Until just after her wedding, I had not realized this.

I knew my sister had to like me, because I am her sister. Now I know that she is the most unselfish, kind, funny and most beautiful person I know.

She is the kind of person that will give you the shirt off of her back.

I just thought everyone should know that I am so glad that we've got each other, you know, so someone can explain to me why I am as crazy as I am.....LOL!

Merry Christmas Dianne!!!

You too Brian!!!

I love you guys sooooooooo much!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

I lost it.

Last Friday, we went to a newly built casino in Grantville PA. Very nice. I won $320 bucks on a penny machine!!! Woo Woo.

Ok. So last night hubby and I went with a couple friends again. I lost $47 in the penny machine. I think I was too hopeful. I wanted to come home with $5000. :)! I really wanted to win, poop. I guess that's why they call it gambling, lol. Whatever.

I know my brother D, his girl, me and my hubby want to go out somewhere with my sis when she comes up for Christmas, may be this would be a fun spot?????

What do you think about that???? (Seeing as how, it's my sister who is the only one who reads this any way, lol!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday, sort of....

Silliness is good.


Ok, if you didn't read yesterdays blog....don't read this one first.

So, I get home yesterday to find that my Friday night plans are made for me, to hang out with that girl. Saturday, I have to hang out with her again, and her boyfriends step kids.


Yeah, um, no thanks.

I have WAY too much to do, to be chillin' with some pill popping weirdo.

No thank you.


Yesterday, this chick apparently visited her into an argument regarding her boyfriend (my hubby's worker guy), her mom punched her in the back and took her car back.


Yeah, again, no thanks.

What is it with these weird-o people in PA?????

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 can you freakin' tell????

It is hard for me to make and/or meet friends anymore. We don't need to go into all of the details as to why, it just is.

Well, this weekend I met a girl who is a baby's mama to this guy my hubby works with. Did you get all that?? lol.

She seemed super awesome. We had a lot in common, little quirky stuff, same likes and all.....

Well, we both had same issues with our men. Picking up after them, trying to get them to help out....normal gripes.

Well...I would have thought that our conversation would have stayed between us, you know, a way for us to vent out and get things off of our chests......WRONG-O!!!

She went and told her significant other all the stupid stuff I was venting about. Guess who told my hubby? Nice. Now I look like a freaking biz-och. What ever.

I don't have time to keep blogging about everything that bothers me (no computer at home, and limited time at work), so what am I supposed to do when I just want to vent????????

How am I supposed to get stupid things out that bother me? Things that don't need to be said to my hubby, things that will always be....never will change (since that's how the person is), what can I do??? Where's my relief???

THIS IS WHY I HATE GIRLS!!!! It doesn't matter where you are, who you are, what you do, whatever. Girls like to be mean. This is there ultimate purpose. They suck.

*****This is me venting*****

So don't get your panties in a bunch, it might not be YOU that is this female type, but all the ones that are around me....are.

Blech, I am disgusted. That is all.