Friday, August 1, 2008

Jealousy is a BIG problem

Ok, So when you hang out with someone from work, at a out of work location, because you are friends, AND you invited this other person to come along, but it wasn't feasible for them.


Now the person that wasn't able to come along for the outing, is now trying to keep the person that did come along, from hanging out with me.

I get ignored for breaks, not included in lunch runs, just plain forgotten about....but on purpose.


This is why I do not like hanging out with girls, they are fake and rude and very hurtful!

What ever, at least it's Friday.


OhCaptain said...

I've told my wife this over and over. I could never work in a department full of women. Not that I don't think they can do the work or that I'm really a sexist person, I've just watched all the petty crap that she goes through in her workplace and just shake my head. It's too much work for men to play that many games.

Di said...

Dude, it's like that everywhere. Women are the WORST, but what is really bad is when YOU'RE not liek that but yet you get dragged into that world.

It's like that here too.

carmilevy said...

This is why I hate working in offices, period. Forget gender: people of any sort are eminently capable of being mean-spirited and catty.

When I worked for Mother Corp., this defined my every day of existence there. Politico-relationship BS defined the workplace, and it still does. Bleah.