Monday, September 29, 2008

D to the R to the AMA!!!!

This weekend, my hubby and I switched houses with my sis-n-law.

My hubby's sister is a freaking lazy hog, so is her good for nothing fiance. I packed my stuff and cleaned each room as I unloaded it, you know common courtesy. SHE didn’t even have boxes….nor did she pack anything. I had every room cleaned out for her stuff and she was complaining that she has to organize what she brought up so far, before she would finish. Leaving me with no rooms completely cleaned no room for me to move my stuff around. Nevermind the fact that she has not cleaned that house for literally two years - yuck!

There is her dogs hair all over, about three inches deep. I am NOT putting my clean stuff away in a crap hole. Do you think she’s gonna come down and clean????? Hellllllllllllllll no.

The dog hair is only a small fraction of the grime that’s all over this house. Don’t even get me started on the outside…….

All of my stuff is jammed into the living room and thankfully our bed got moved upstairs last night around 9:30 P freaking M.

I had NOOOOOO time to put anything away, and she’s squawking that I didn’t help her clean out her rooms upstairs. HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO. It’s her freaking crap.

This is only a fraction of the crap that I was going through this weekend.

PS, I found mouse poop in the kitchen cabinets, next to food, and a dead mouse in the pantry closet. Yummy.


OhCaptain said...

Yikes. Tom Burdett says that Motel 6 will leave the light on for might want to take them up on that offer :-D

Di said...

that's nice...a dead mouse.

I'm not gonna say anything more....just ain't fittin', just ain't fittin as Mammy says !

carmilevy said...

Ew! I hope you made it home OK...considering it's been over a month since you posted this, I'm wondering if we should send out the search teams.

She sounds like a real piece of work. What is it about some sisters-in-law? Do they ALL have to be such icks?