Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!



Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

What a fantastic shot! I think I yawn that big, too!

Cassie said...

Wow! I love this pic and I like hippos! haha.

Di said...

nice, strong work kiddo haha

Meg...I do so love the dress you are wearing in your pic!

Who ever picked that out did one heck of a job. You should thank even looks like you can wear them as seperates to other things...hmmmm.

Suzie said...

I bet his breath is pretty interesting

carmilevy said...

This picture reinforces the value of timing: taken at the blink-and-you-miss-it moment when his/her mouth was open to the max. I love pictures like this...they make me think.

Thanks for having your sis drop by and leave a comment. It was a wondrous surprise (and I hope she visits again in bloggy door's always open.) I'm sorry to hear about the work/no-blog thing. Some companies are a little tightly wound when it comes to that sorta thing.